Growing up with eczema
As a child, I suffered from severe eczema for nearly 10 years, and I can fully understand just how it can impact upon your life, and of those around you. My parents tried so many different products, eating programs and specialists in search of relief for my itchy-scratchy skin. I recall heading off to school on a regular basis with my legs covered in cream and wrapped up in glad wrap! I was worried about making scrunching noises as I walked down the corridors. Even to this very day, my parents look back at that time with sadness, and remember the feeling of helplessness as they watched their child try to cope with eczema.
Devoted to natural and organic ingredients
Yet this experience shaped my direction in life, and for that I am truly thankful. I’ve spent the last thirty years working in the natural products industry, and just love to see the positive difference quality natural products can make to people’s lives. The Hope’s Relief skin care range embraces this power of nature’s botanicals to get results.
Body and Soul, a Queensland family business
In 2006, I founded Body and Soul Health Products. Our head office is on the sunny Gold Coast, Australia. My wife Julie and I have complementary backgrounds in natural skin care, research and development, manufacturing, marketing and sales, and we’ve gathered a team of enthusiastic natural health experts that share our values and commitment to making a positive difference.
The cream was originally created to help a mother’s daughter that had eczema. The formula took over two years of research and trials in a naturopath’s clinic to arrive at the current formulation. The initial request was for a product with natural ingredients and no steroids to help relieve the symptoms of eczema. Soon the results with the daughter led to the cream being offered to other people with eczema and psoriasis to try.
Customers soon raved about the results, and word soon spread. More and more people used the product and got results —and the rest as they say is history. It is now available throughout Australia and New Zealand in over 5000 pharmacies and health food stores.